Количество страниц: 10 с.
The article discusses the possibilities of combining traditional and innovative forms of work in the conditions of functioning of rural municipal libraries.
Местникова, Т. А. Сельская муниципальная библиотека: синтез традиций и современности (из опыта работы Хатырыкской сельской модельной библиотеки им. М.А. Охлопковой) / Т. А. Местникова ; Хатырыкская модельная библиотека им. М. А. Охлопковой // Грибановские чтения -2022 : сборник материалов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, 14–16 декабря 2022 года. - Якутск : ИЦ НБ РС (Я), 2023. - 1 файл (565 с. ; 3,50 Мб) : ил. - С. 98-107.
Количество страниц: 8 с.
This universal bibliographic index reflects the most complete information about printed matter from the second half of the 17th century. Till our times, including books published in 2021,partly — articles of the periodical press in 2022. The index includes8683 bibliographic records in the Yakut and the Russian languages. The publication is addressed to librarians, cultural workers, local historians, students, specialists, researchers of the Vilyui region’s and district’s history.
Егорова, Г. А. О краеведческом библиографическом указателе "Верхневилюйский улус в печати: XVII - начало XXI вв." / Г. А. Егорова // Грибановские чтения - 2022 : сборник материалов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, 14-16 декабря 2022 года. - Якутск : ИЦ НБ РС (Я), 2023. - 1 файл (565 с. ;3,50 Мб) : ил. - С. 91-98.
Количество страниц: 9 с.
Local history bibliography is the leading direction in the activities of the Central Library named after P. D. Avvakumov MBU “Inter-settlement centralized library system” of the municipal district “Gorny ulus”. The article deals with the creation of local history bibliographic resources: compilation of bibliographic indexes, calendar of significant dates (CSD), formation of bibliographic databases. The Central Library of the CLS (CL) is a center for bibliography of local history documents and local publications and the preparation of bibliographic indexes. The article describes the process of creating personal bibliographic indexes of literature: “Teacher, journalist, poet Alexander Adamovich Tarasov”, “Prose writer, publicist, critic Pyotr Denisovich Avvakumov”, “Olokhohut Semyon Grigorievich Alekseev Uus uola Uustarabs”, “Poet Prokopy Danilovich Grigoriev-Taiman Duuge” and bibliographic indexes (“Eternal Memory. Gorny district during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, “Gorny Ulus: history and modernity (XIX — early XXI century)”. The article also discusses the factographic database “Calendarof significant dates” (CSD), which collects material about significantevents in the history of their ulus, reflects information about the anniversaries of the year — people who have made a significant contribution to the development of literature, culture, art, science, technology and other spheres of life. Local history databases (DB)are also given: “Gorny in faces”, “Local historians of the Gorny ulus”,“Gorny ulus: chronicle, facts, events”, which are constantly replenished and enriched.
Заровняева, А. И. Информационные ресурсы центральной библиотеки им. П. Д. Аввакумова МБУ "Межпоселенческая централизованная библиотечная система" МР "Горный улус" / А. И. Заровняева ; МБУ МЦБС "Центральная библиотека им. П. Д. Аввакумова" // Грибановские чтения - 2022 : сборник материалов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, 14–16 декабря 2022. - Якутск : ИЦ НБ РС (Я), 2023. - 1 файл (565 с. ; 3,50 Мб) : ил. - С. 83-91.
Количество страниц: 5 с.
- Общий отдел > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника,
- Общественные науки. Образование > Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга > Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга > Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров.
Today, the most relevant in the field of education is the use of non-traditional forms of education, namely distance(remote) learning. Distance learning is the same educational process that uses information and communication technologies. Modernity, timeliness, accessibility of learning without leaving home, being in another city, gaining knowledge using a convenient educational platform of the university — all this is distance learning. All materials of lectures, assignments are stored in one place and are available at any time. In addition, you can turn to video lectures at any time and refresh your knowledge, test your knowledge via online tests and get an immediate result or simulators to achieve the desired result. Distance learning is an alternative learning during the pandemic. This article discusses the organization of distance learning and reveals the tasks of using information support for the educational process at the university. The chosen research method is theoretical analysis and synthesis of the material. Based on the analysis of scientific works of researchers on the organization of distance learning, the tasks of information support of the educational process at the university are revealed. In this article, the authors focus on delivering online lectures and classes in a clear and engaging way and describe the most common video conferencing services used by educational platforms. In the course of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the competence of teachers in working with information and communication technologies. Distance learning and the peculiarities of its organization require careful attention and study due to their insufficient development. The main provisions and conclusions of the article can be useful for teachers, methodologists in scientific and pedagogical activities. In addition, the developed recommendation sallow improving the educational process at the university.
Олесова, М. М. Организация дистанционного обучения и задачи информационного обеспечения учебного процесса вуза / М. М. Олесова, С. Р. Афанасьева ; Октемский филиал Арктического государственного агротехнологического университета // Бизнес. Образование. Право. - 2022. - N 2 (59). - С. 179-183. - DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.59.202
DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2022.59.202
Количество страниц: 6 с.
- Общий отдел > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника,
- Общественные науки. Образование > Экономика. Экономические науки. Политическая экономия > Труд. Наука о труде. Экономика труда. Организация труда,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Экономика. Экономические науки. Политическая экономия,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника.
The relevance of the represented research is caused by the state importance and high responsibility of personnel office-work in activity of public institutions. Implementation of functions of management, organization of the labor relations and human resources management of public service is the necessary key, which in many respects defines efficiency of activity of the public authorities creating, supporting and ensuring safety and welfare of citizens, their rights and freedoms. The article examines the issues of the organization of personnel office-work; the emphasis is placed on optimization of personnel processes in the conditions of digitalization. The regulatory legal acts regulating the organization of personnel processes in the state control system are selected. Features of organization of personnel processes in foreign countries in the system of public administration are marked out: automation, paperless carriers, use of a cloud computing. Legislative and regulatory acts have been addopted in foreign countries for digitilization of the HR records keeping, as well as national standards based on the international ISO system. Developments shall be included in the regulatory-legal and methodical documents of the Russian Federation. On the example of the State committee on the pricing policy of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the analysis of personnel processes is made and the recommendations about optimization and standardization of the processes in the conditions of digitalization of society are developed. The research is based on a structural and logical method, timing method, expert interview, method of analogies, method of the analysis and synthesis. Empirical data of2017-2019 are used; the key problems are allocated on the example ofthe State committee on the pricing policy of Yakutia; conclusions are made on increasing the efficiency of organization of the personnel processes. Bsed on the received results, recommendations about automation of personnel processes in public administration in the conditions of digitalization of society are developed. Standardization of the main personnel processes, which include such directions as hiring procedures, assessment of competences (certification), development of public servants, and talent pool is important. The use of the integrated software products, and cloud computing is proposed as the decision.
Михайлова, А. В. Оптимизация кадрового делопроизводства госслужбы в условиях цифровизации общества / А. В. Михайлова, Л. Н. Попова ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Бизнес. Образование. Право. - 2019. - N 3 (48). - С. 144-149. - DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.48.350
DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.48.350
Ответственность: Главный редактор Н.Г. Соломонов
Количество страниц: 9 с.
- Общественные науки. Образование > Право. Юридические науки > Уголовное право. Уголовное судопроизводство. Криминология. Криминалистика,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Биографии. Генеалогия. Геральдика,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Газеты. Пресса. Журналистика,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Право. Юридические науки,
Scientific novelty. The article is devoted to some moments of the stay of Kuzma Fedoseevich Lisin, the founder of the new skoptical teaching, in the Yakutsk region, who was exiled in the Trinity scopal village in the last quarter of the 19th - early 20th centuries. The novelty lies in the study and introduction into scientific circulation of unpublished documents found in the National Archives of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The aim of the work is the reconstruction of the “Yakut” period of Lisin's life, the identification of some aspects of the relationship in the skopsky sect, the introduction of archival documents into scientific circulation. Tasks: 1) to study the content of archival materials, 2) to identify the main plots from the biography of Kuzma Lisin, who was in Yakut exile, 3) to present the results of the study in chronological order, 4) to draw conclusions and summarize the information. Research methods. In the course of the study were applied the analysis of the content of the historical source, reconstructive, retrospective and historical-genetic methods. Results. Most of the materials studied are based on the initiative of the eunuch Bezprozvanny, who did not recognize the “second redeemer” in Lisin, to draw the attention of the local administration and clergy to Lisin's dissemination of his false teachings and his “appointment” of his closest followers as saints and apostles. Despite some evidence that indeed Lisin, while in Yakutia, tried to declare himself as a “second redeemer”, there were no serious consequences for him. On the other hand, the “second redeemer” Kuzma Lisin, well-known in Romania as the founder of new skoptical, although he introduced disagreements into the society of Yakut eunuchs, did not gain much popularity among fellow believers.
Якушева, Р. А. Скопческий "искупитель" Кузьма Лисин в якутской ссылке (по материалам Национального архива Республики Саха (Якутия)) / Р. А. Якушева ; Политехнический институт (филиал) ФГАОУ ВО "Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова" // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. - 2022. - N 4 (41). - С. 21-29. - DOI: 10.25693/SVGV.2022.41.4.002
DOI: 10.25693/SVGV.2022.41.4.002
Количество страниц: 4 с.
The article is devoted to the substantive basis of the educational program, which reveals the features of the activities of the scout club “Young Seekers” - a children’s association of different ages, built on the principles of their personal development, their adaptation to life in society, and active meaningful leisure. At the same time, the author pays special attention to the disclosure and use of scouting methods in the activities of a group of different ages.
Спиридонов, М. М. Детский клуб "Юные искатели" / М. М. Спиридонов ; МОБУ "Гимназия "Центр глобального образования" // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024. - N 2 (131). - С. 57-60.
Количество страниц: 1 с.
- Общий отдел > Газеты. Пресса. Журналистика,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Биографии. Генеалогия. Геральдика,
- Искусство. Фотография. Музыка. Игры. Спорт > Развлечения. Зрелища. Игры > Физическая культура. Спортивные игры. Спорт,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Газеты. Пресса. Журналистика,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ИСКУССТВО. ФОТОГРАФИЯ. МУЗЫКА. ИГРЫ. СПОРТ > Развлечения. Зрелища. Игры > Физическая культура. Спортивные игры. Спорт,
The article reveals the activities of the famous journalist Vladislav Petrovich Korotov, who firmly entered the world of sports through books. The relevance of covering his book selection on sports topics is due to the holding of the VIII international sports games “Children of Asia” - a unique and important event both for the whole country as a whole and for our republic
Копырина, А. В. "Азия оҕолоро" оонньууну историяҕа тиһэн / А. В. Копырина // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024.- N 2 (131). - С. 23.
Количество страниц: 2 с.
- Общий отдел > Организации и прочие типы объединений. Ассоциации. Конгрессы. Выставки. Музеи,
- Искусство. Фотография. Музыка. Игры. Спорт > Развлечения. Зрелища. Игры > Физическая культура. Спортивные игры. Спорт,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ИСКУССТВО. ФОТОГРАФИЯ. МУЗЫКА. ИГРЫ. СПОРТ > Развлечения. Зрелища. Игры > Физическая культура. Спортивные игры. Спорт,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Организации и прочие типы объединений. Ассоциации. Конгрессы. Выставки. Музеи,
- Школа 2 > Педагогу > Методика преподавания дисциплин > Физическая культура.
The article briefly reveals the current activities of the unique museum-complex operating at the famous Churapcha sports school. The museum serves as an educational space that shapes the sports, historical, spiritual and moral values of schoolchildren. The central place in the article is given to the priority direction of the museum’sactivities - the preservation of museum, video and audiomaterials; the role of the museum in the development of young athletes is also emphasized.
Пудов, Е. В. Дом-усадьба, музей спортивной славы им. Д. П. Коркина / Е. В. Пудов ; ГБОУ РС(Я) "Чурапчинская республиканская спортивная средняя общеобразовательная школа – интернат" // Народное образование Якутии. - 2024. - N 2(131). - С. 41-42.
Количество страниц: 8 с.
- Общий отдел > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника,
- Краеведение. Археология. География. Биографии. История > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > КРАЕВЕДЕНИЕ. ГЕОГРАФИЯ. БИОГРАФИИ. ИСТОРИЯ > Общие вопросы. География как наука. Географические исследования,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩИЙ ОТДЕЛ > Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника.
Currently, the absence of a GIS system linked to river basins in Russia may complicate the work of important operational environmental and hydrometeorological surveillance services. It is important to note that simplifying and accelerating the allocation of river basins through open source software can signi cantly optimize the work of researchers, especially in conditions where it is important to respond promptly to oods and oods in a short time. The purpose of this work is to automate the allocation of river catchment areas, which can help in the study of vast territories of the Far East, as well as contribute to the creation of effective forecasting and monitoring systems. The study presents an automated approach to the identi cation of watersheds based on the use of geospatial data and information processing algorithms. The presented method demonstrates the effective allocation of watershed boundaries, which makes it possible to simplify the research process and increase the accuracy of the data obtained. The study was conducted within the boundaries of Khangalassky district of the SR(Ya). The data obtained using digital terrain models were corrected, and then used for rapid allocation of watersheds by means of an algorithm developed by the authors. The algorithm is a module for QGIS, which uses the QGIS and GDAL tools in turn, which signi cantly speeds up the process of creating materials for further research. The results of the study emphasize the accessibility of obtaining information about the geosystems of river basins as integral systems and put forward the prospect of improving GIS processes related to water resources for more effective monitoring of ecosystems and decision-making in the eld of environmental protection.
Обутов, К. А. Автоматизация определения границ речных бассейнов малых рек на примере Хангаласского района РС (Я) / К. А. Обутов, Ю. Г. Данилов ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - N 2 (34). - C. 60-67. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-2-60-67
DOI: 10.25587/2587-8751-2024-2-60-67