Ответственность: Платонов Дмитрий Николаевич (Редактор), Портнягин Иосиф Иосифович (Редактор)
Издательство: Издательство ЯГУ
Год выпуска: 2005
Количество страниц: 178 с.
- Общественные науки. Образование > Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга > Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Народное образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга > Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров.
Совершенствование подготовки кадров в области физической культуры и спорта РС(Я) : материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции, 25-26 марта 2005 года, г. Якутск / [редколлегия: Д. Н. Платонов, (ответственный редактор), И. И. Портнягин]. - Якутск : Издательство ЯГУ, 2005. - 172 с.
Количество страниц: 11 с.
Despite the numerical dominance of the Sakha people, there is a linguistic shift of the Yakut language in favor of Russian in the city of Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). According to a foresight study until 2050 conducted by M.K. Ammosov NEFU, 37% of young people under 20 years of age switch to bilingualism, and 24% of this category of respondents find it convenient to think in Russian; It is assumed that among those born in the 2030s, 60% will be fluent and speak their native language, 40% will use their native language in family and everyday communication, and 25% of the population who know the Yakut language will think in their native language. The authors determine that one of the main reasons for this phenomenon is that children and youth began to speak less in the Yakut language, considering it less prestigious and functional in the circle of everyday communication and in the socio-cultural sphere. Respondents also prefer the Russian language as a marker of an urban resident in conditions of internal migration of the population to the capital of the region. The purpose of the study is to identify the language attitudes and orientations of Sakha children and youth from 13 to 18 years old in the context of balanced bilingualism. The objectives of the work are: to develop research tools; to conduct a sociolinguistic survey among school students in grades 8-11 in the city of Yakutsk by means of an electronic questionnaire; to describe the language attitudes and orientations of school students in grades 8-11 formed in the conditions of balanced bilingualism; to identify general trends in the development of language situation in the city of Yakutsk on the basis of sociolinguistic data obtained. The study identified the following attitudes and preferences of children and youth from 13 to 18 years of age: the roles of the Russian and Yakut state languages in the region were assessed by young people as equal; the majority of respondents noted the prestigiousness of knowing the Yakut language; in the capital of the Republic there is a shift of the Yakut language in favor of the Russian language. The respondents' answers were evaluated by the authors as indicators of a language shift. The survey also revealed the attitude of students to English, a compulsory subject in schools, which the informants defined as quite prestigious, but not relevant in the context of the existing language situation in the city of Yakutsk.
Филиппова, В. В. Языковые установки и ориентации детей и молодежи саха в возрасте 13–18 лет в условиях сбалансированного билингвизма (на примере обучающихся школ г. Якутска Республики Саха (Якутия) / В. В. Филиппова, С. В. Филиппова ; Академия наук Республики Саха (Якутия), Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 173-183. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-173-183
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-173-183
Количество страниц: 14 с.
This article presents a linguistic analysis of Mongolic borrowings in the Yakut language, using the names of fur-bearing animals as a case study. The relevance of this research stems from the need to document and describe one of the less-studied areas of Yakut vocabulary - Mongolic borrowings in the names of fur-bearing animals. This study plays a crucial role in preserving the unique lexical heritage that reflects historical and cultural contacts between the Yakuts and Mongolic-speaking peoples. The aim of the work is to identify and systematise Mongolic borrowings in the domain of fur-bearing animal names and to explore their linguistic and cultural significance within the Yakut language. Tasks include reviewing existing scientific literature, collecting and classifying lexical items, and conducting etymological research. Analysing Mongolic borrowings in the names of fur-bearing animals will reveal features that help understand the evolution of linguistic interactions and the formation of the contemporary linguistic landscape of Yakutia. The article employs methods of semantic, etymological, and comparative-historical analysis. The results of the study demonstrate that Mongolic borrowings hold a significant place in Yakut vocabulary. The research identifies specific morphological and phonetic changes that occurred during the adaptation of Mongolic words into Yakut. Special attention is given to the analysis of semantic changes, including the preservation of original meanings, the use of euphemisms, metaphorical transfers, and semantic adaptation. These aspects reflect deep cultural and linguistic interactions between the Yakuts and Mongolic-speaking ethnic groups. The findings contribute to a broader understanding of lexical borrowing processes and deepen the comprehension of language interactions between different ethnic groups.
Турантаева, Н. В. К вопросу о монгольских заимствованиях в якутской лексике (на материале названий пушных животных) / Н. В. Турантаева, Н. В. Малышева ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 159-172. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-159-172
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-159-172
Количество страниц: 9 с.
he subject of the study is unofficial urbanonyms of Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): unofficial names of intra-city objects in the colloquial speech of city residents are investigated. The linguistic appearance of the city of Yakutsk is multifaceted and diverse. In consists of several layers that interact with each other and create a special toponymic subsystem of the city`s language. We were interested in a layer of unofficial urbanonyms, the study of which is an important direction in the study of the regional specifics of urban speech. The novelty lies in the description of the functional, structural-semantic and word-formation features of urbanonyms of the city of Yakutsk, which have been little studied to date. Previously, a linguistic analysis of unofficial urbanonyms of the city of Yakutsk has not been carried out. This explains the relevance of the study. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities city of Yakutsk. In this regard, the task is to identify their functions, structural features and motivational basis. The article analysed the material obtained through observation of the live speech of residents of the city of Yakutsk, written speech of Internet forums, publications in the press, reference, scientific and popular science publications, as well as data obtained from a survey of teachers and students of the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. The research methodology is based on the identification, description and linguistics analysis of unofficial urbanonyms of the city of Yakutsk. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the system of unofficial urbanonyms is an independent and unique toponymic image of the city, which has linguistic value, since in it we find linguocultural and local history information.
Самсонова, Л. Н. Неофициальные урбанонимы Якутска / Л. Н. Самсонова ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 150-158. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-150-158
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-150-158
Количество страниц: 12 с.
The article describes dialectal phraseological units (DFU) as an integral part of the Yakut language lexicon. Dialect phraseology has remained a "blank spot" in the study of the dialectology of the Yakut language. Currently, there is a need to collect DFU and systematise them. The relevance of the work is explained by the need for a systematic study of dialectal phraseological units of the Yakut language in the aspect of studying the structure and semantic references. An integrated method is used to solve the tasks set in the work. The selection of DFU from lexicographic sources was carried out by the method of continuous sampling and semantic identification; a descriptive method with methods of systematics, observation, generalisation was used; component analysis based on the establishment of integral and differential features in comparison of one unit with another. The purpose of the study is a linguistic description of the structure and semantics of dialectal phraseological units of the Yakut language. The objectives of the work include: to review the current state of the study of DFU; to give a lexical and grammatical characteristic of DFU and systematise them into semantic and thematic groups; to establish relations between dialectal and literary phraseological units; to outline the most important aspects of its study. The analysis showed that, according to the grammatical structure, DFU, like literary FU, are created according to models of free phrases and sentences. There are substantive, adjectival, adverbial, verbal, quantitative, interjective FU. These categories of phraseological units, being nominative units, call this or that phenomenon of reality, the realities of everyday life, relevant to the dialect speaker. Semantic-thematic groups cover various aspects of the speaker's activity, describing a person, his actions, deeds, lifestyle, attitude to other people, work, etc. The connections and relationships between dialectal and literary phraseological units are manifested in variation, synonymy, as well as in the relationship between the meanings of polysemous FU. The dialectal FU reflects the way of life of the inhabitants of the region, their perception of the world, and mentality.
Готовцева, Л. М. Диалектные фразеологические единицы якутского языка: структура и семантика / Л. М. Готовцева ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 99-110. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-99-110
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-99-110
Количество страниц: 12 с.
The article attempts to reveal the linguocultural characteristic of toponyms of the Japanese prefecture of Hokkaido. In the theoretical part the authors review the scientific apparatus on the problem of toponyms in general linguistics, cite the existing classifications of toponyms by such researchers as A. V. Superanskaya, E. M. Chernyakhovskaya, N. V. Podolskaya and others. Of particular interest is the practical part of the study, where the authors analyse the toponyms of Hokkaido prefecture from the point of view of the relationship between language and culture. The material for the practical part was the names of toponyms from the Google maps service, as well as information from the official website of Hokkaido Prefecture. The authors, referring to the classification of N. V. Podolskaya, divided 100 toponyms into their types: insulonyms, hydronyms, oikonyms, oronyms, carried out their linguocultural analysis, revealed 16 toponyms of Japanese origin and 84 toponyms of Ainu origin, which indicates that the Japanese during the development of Hokkaido tried to preserve the original names of geographical objects. As a result of the analysis of toponymic nominations of Hokkaido prefecture, the authors come to the conclusion that different toponymic layers and types of geographical names, which emerged at different times, have physical and geographical features and a number of other factors, still have similar features in the names of heterogeneous languages. The main one is the formation of toponyms from the physical and geographical features of the place of residence, flora and fauna. In addition, another characteristic of the toponyms of Hokkaido Prefecture is the distortion of indigenous place names when fixed by Japanese pioneers, so when adapting Ainu toponyms, the original name is changed.
Андросов, С. С. Лингвокультурологическая характеристика топонимов японской префектуры Хоккайдо / С. С. Андросов, Т. Н. Пермякова ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 75-86. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-75-86
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-75-86
Количество страниц: 9 с.
- Математика. Естественные науки > Астрономия. Астрофизика. Исследование космического пространства. Геодезия,
- Математика. Естественные науки > Физика,
- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > МАТЕМАТИКА. ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Астрономия. Астрофизика. Исследование космического пространства. Геодезия.
Noctilucent clouds (polar mesospheric clouds) are clusters of ice crystals 10-100 µm in size at an altitude of 80-85 km, only a few kilometers thick, illuminated by the sun's rays. A characteristic feature of noctilucent clouds is that they are observed from Earth only in relatively narrow latitudinal belts of the northern and southern hemispheres. They are a visible indicator of wave processes in the upper atmosphere. The use of modern methods of observation and data processing allows us to track their evolution and, based on these parameters, study the main dynamic characteristics of the upper atmosphere - wind speed and direction, atmospheric-gravity waves and try to establish their sources. The article presents the results of a study of the features of the parameters of internal gravity waves based on observations of noctilucent clouds. Photographic observations were carried out using digital cameras and a phone camera. Using synchronous triangulation observations with identical cameras in Yakutsk and Oktemtsy, it was possible to measure the height of noctilucent clouds. Rare cases of propagation of different types of waves and their parameters are analysed: wavelengths, speeds and directions of their propagation. A case of observation of noctilucent clouds associated with the so-called mesospheric bore is also described - a prominent wave front propagating along a waveguide channel and visually separating the glow region already involved in the wave process from the region in which oscillations have not yet arisen. It is assumed that the sources of wave disturbances are atmospheric fronts and air mass flow around mountain ranges.
Параметры внутренних гравитационных волн по наблюдениям серебристых облаков в Якутске / С. В. Николашкин, И. И. Колтовской, С. В. Титов, О. В. Тыщук ; Институт космофизических исследований и аэрономии им. Ю. Г. Шафера // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 50-58. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-50-58
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-50-58
Количество страниц: 11 с.
The paper considers such nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter physics as Discrete Breezers (DB) and delocalised nonlinear vibrational modes (DNVM). DB are spatially localised vibrational modes of large amplitude that exist under conditions of nonlinearity of interatomic interactions and discreteness of the medium. The oscillation frequency of DB lies outside the phonon spectrum of low-amplitude crystal vibrations and does not resonate with phonons, i.e. it does not waste its energy on their excitation. DNVM are vibrational modes manifested in crystal lattices with translational symmetry, which exist for any oscillation amplitudes and regardless of the type of interaction between the elements of the system. In early works, the authors established a connection between DB and DNVM. A three-dimensional Body Centered Cubic (BCC) lattice with nearest and next-nearest interactions described by the β-Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) interatomic potential is investigated. Properties of DNVM with the wave-vector on the boundary of the first Brillouin zone are analysed. DNVM are exact solutions to the equations of motion that can be found from the analysis of only the symmetry of the bcc lattice. Frequency response of DNVM for the case of soft- and hard-type anharmonicity is calculated. In the case of hard-type anharmonicity, four DNVM have frequencies bifurcating from the upper edge of the phonon spectrum and growing with the amplitude. By superimposing localisation functions on these DNVM, various DB were obtained, which were attributed to quasi-breezers. They are not single-frequency oscillatory modes with a finite lifetime and are formed due to overcoming the strength of the intersite potential. As a result of the study, six long-lived quasi-freezers were obtained based on four DNVM frequencies above the phonon band. The results of this study confirm the effectiveness of the search for long-lived quasi-freezers in complex lattices, starting with the analysis of DNVM. In the future, the obtained quasi-breeze solutions can be used as initial conditions for an iterative procedure for searching for exact DB. Thus, the presented work demonstrates a practical approach to the search for DB in high-dimensional lattices.
Дискретные бризеры в трехмерной решетке с потенциалом Ферми-Паста-Улама-Цингоу / Ю. В. Бебихов, М. Н. Семенова, Д. У. Абдуллина, Е. К. Наумов, С. В. Дмитриев ; Институт физики молекул и кристаллов УФИЦ РАН, Политехнический институт Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 39-49. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-39-49
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-39-49
Количество страниц: 10 с.
The Nezhdaninskoye gold deposit is located in southern Verkhoyansk, in the valley of the Tyra River (the right tributary of the Aldan River). The field was actively developed from 1974 to 1998. Development of Nezhdaninskoye was resumed in 2019, when the field completely came under the control of Polymetal JSC. During the entire period of development of the field, no work was carried out to assess the impact of the enterprise on the environmental conditions of the habitat of commercial mammals in the region. In 2022, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, commissioned by Polymetal JSC, conducted research on the species diversity and abundance of commercial mammals in the area affected by the Nezhdaninsky mining and processing complex. The main тarget of the research was to assess the direct and indirect impact of gold mining activities on the number and distribution of commercial mammals. A study of the diversity and abundance of hunting mammals in the vicinity of the Nezhdaninsky gold deposit did not reveal significant differences in these indicators with the hunting grounds of the Tomponsky ulus (district) not affected by anthropogenic impact. In forested areas, the animal population density was higher than in open biotopes. It was found that the impact of the activities of the mining enterprise is local in nature, which is facilitated by the rugged terrain and a special operating mode that does not require workers to be outside the enterprise. The location of a mining enterprise does not have a significant negative impact on the number of most species of game animals living in adjacent areas. For economically valuable animal species, direct persecution remains a more significant limiting factor reducing numbers.
Состояние охотничьих ресурсов в районе Нежданинского месторождения золота / А. А. Онохов, В. Е. Колодезников, В. В. Величенко, И. И. Охлопков ; Институт общей генетики им. Н. И. Вавилова РАН, Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 29-38. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-29-38
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-29-38
Количество страниц: 11 с.
The article presents the results of monitoring the vitality of coenopopulations of the meadow grass Agrostis diluta Kurcz. and the steppe grass Psathyrostachys caespitosa (Sukaczev) Peschkova in Central Yakutia. The vitality of the coenopopulations was assessed using the quality index Q and the vitality index of coenopopulations IVC. The studies showed that the vitality structure of the A. diluta and P. caespitosa coenopopulations during 7-16 years of the study is heterogeneous and their vitality is generally unstable. The leading factor influencing the level of vitality of the studied species under mild anthropogenic impact is the water supply of plants during the growing season. In years with unfavourable moisture conditions (high hydrothermal coefficient), the coenopopulations are characterised as depressed, and in conditions of favourable moisture, they quickly transform into a prosperous type. This adaptation characterises these species as species capable of survival and self-sustainment in various ecological and phytocenotic conditions. The state of A. diluta coenopopulations is also affected by spring floods. In dry years, a longer spring flood favours the vitality of populations, while in favourable years it does not favour them. The vitality state of the coenopopulations of both tussock grasses, which differ sharply in their ecological and coenotic characteristics, is also influenced by the features of the mesorelief shape of the floodplain and the slope of the native bank. Comparison of the quality and vitality indices of coenopopulations over the years revealed their correspondence to each other and the same order of decrease when coenopopulations transition from a prosperous to a depressed state.
Кардашевская, В. Е. Мониторинг виталитетного состояния ценопопуляций Agrostis diluta Kurcz. и Psathyrostachys caespitosa (Sukaczev) Peschkovaв Центральной Якутии / В. Е. Кардашевская, Н. Н. Егорова ; Институт биологических проблем криолитозоны, Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. - 2024. - Т. 21, N 3 (97). - С. 18-28. - DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-18-28
DOI: 10.25587/2222-5404-2024-21-3-18-28