Отраслевые подборки (УДК)
Издания подборки 71 - 80 из 200
Stewart Will, Стюарт Уилл

Год выпуска: 2017

О дрессировке якутских охотничьих лаек и проверке их навыков на цепном медведе

Количество страниц: 4 с.

The geomagnetic manifestation of sudden impulse (SI) caused by a sharp decrease of the solar wind dynamic pressure due to the plasma density reduction is considered. The observational data of the magnetometer world network have been analysed. The propagation velocities of the SI signal in the meridional direction by using data of the horizontal component of geomagnetic field in the high-latitude region have been calculated. It is found that at a sharp decrease of the solar wind density the meridional propagation of the SI signal is in the northern direction. In this case, on the day side the propagation velocity is constant but there is a tendency of its increasing in the MLT morning sector. It has been established that the meridional propagation velocity of the SI signal at a sharp decrease of the solar wind density depends on the geomagnetic latitude, i.e. with the rise of latitude the velocity in the auroral zone decreases and in the polar cap it increases.

High-latitude peculiarities of the geomagnetic SI impulse propagation meridional velocity during sharp decrease of solar wind density / G. A. Makarov, D. G. Baishev, A. V. Moiseyev, S. I. Solovyev, V. A. Pilipenko, M. J. Engebretson, K. Yumoto // Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Substorms : 16-20 May 2000 Congress Centre of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. − Noordwijk, Netherlands : European Space Agency, 2000. − P. 523-526.

Stewart Will , Стюарт Уилл

Год выпуска: 2022

О гибели медведя от взрывчатки, заложенной шахтерами
Prokosch Peter, Прокош Питер

Год выпуска: 2021

О поездке принца Филиппа в Россию в 1995 году, открытии в дельте Лены (Якутия) международной биологической станции "Лена-Норденшельд"
Asonova Diana , Асонова Диана

Год выпуска: 2017

О незаконной добыче мамонтовых бивней в Якутии и дальнейшей продаже в азиатские страны
Stewart Will, Стюарт Уилл

Год выпуска: 2019

О добыче бивней мамонта, c комментариями палеонтолога Академии наук Якутии Валерия Плотникова

Количество страниц: 3 с.

The Jupiter is a powerful regular source of high-energy electrons (0,2-40 MeV). In this connection their density in the near-Earth space systematically increases with a period of 399 days, which is coincident with the synodic period of Jupiter. According to our estimations, their energy is sufficient to produce a significant local reduction of the magnetic field in the IMF sector connected with the Jupiter. In this paper the evidence is presented that the electron fluxes in the Jovian sector are controlled by the general magnetic field of the Sun. A treatment of 399-day intervals of the electron fluxes and IMF, obtained from spacecraft data for the period of 1963 to 2000 has been performed by superposed epoch technique taking into account the periodic change of the solar magnetic field polarity. Having adopted the Jupiter opposition day to be an epoch zero, the changes in particle intensity and IMF components under different signs of the general magnetic field of the Sun are found by using a large dataset (9925 days). The times of 399-day variation maxima in different periods of solar activity are compared and a character of their displacement relative to Jupiter opposition momentsis discussed.

Skryabin, N. G. Influence of a change in solar magnetic field polarity on the Jovian electron flux intensity / N. G. Skryabin, S. N. Samsonov, I. Ya. Plotnikov // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 26th annual seminar, 25 - 28 February 2003. – 2003. – P. 159-161.


Количество страниц: 4 с.

The spatial-temporal distribution of westward electrojets in the northern hemisphere has been investigated using geomagnetic ground observation data for November 9-10, 2004 geomagnetic storm. It is shown that the location of the maximum westward electrojet depends on the IMF orientation. It is in the evening or morning sector when Bγ0. With the increase of positive IMF Bγ, the region of intensity maximum shifts to morning hours. Thus, the azimuthal IMF component not only controls the pattern of magnetospheric convection, but also affects the longitudinal location of the westward electrojet pattern during the magnetic storm.

Influence of IMF by on the location of western electrojets during the magnetic storm on Nov. 9-10, 2004 / R. N. Boroev, A. Du, S. I. Solovyev, W.-Y. Xu, G.-X. Chen, V. A. Velichko // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 29th annual seminar, Apatity, 27 February–3 March 2006. – 2007. – P. 21-24.


Количество страниц: 4 с.

Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) diffusion in interplanetary space depends in a certain way on the degree of regularity of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The sector IMF structure is manifested in inhomogeneous GCR distribution in the heliosphere. In parallel with the usual sectors associated with solar activity, one should take into account the sectors, which are caused by the Jupiter activity. It is known that the Jupiter is a powerful regular source of high-energy electrons (0.2-40 MeV), the density of which, on the average, is many times higher than that of solar cosmic rays. The high-energy electrons are systematically registed with the 399-day period in the near-Earth space. According to estimations of the particle energy density their flux is sufficient to decrease the magnetic field in the Jovian sector and can due to corresponding large-scale inhomogeneity in the GKL distribution. Hereby, we present the evidences that the GCR diffusion is noticeably stronger in the sector where there are Jovian electrons. By data on periodic passage of those sectors near the Earth, we have treated neutron monitor data using the superposed epoch technique. The day of the Earth and Jupiter opposition is taken as a zero epoch. At large statistical data (9925 days) it is found that the GCR intensity in that period increases with an amplitude near 1%. The groud effect is manifested with the period of 399 days and its maximum time is in a certain way shifted relative to the planet opposite moment.

Skryabin, N. G. Influence of Jupiter on cosmic ray intensity variations / N. G. Skryabin, S. N. Samsonov, I. Ya. Plotnikov // Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 25th annual seminar, Apatity, 26 February – 1 March 2002. – 2002. – P. 137-139.


Год выпуска: 2019

О руднике "Интернациональный" в Якутии