Роль нейроэндокринных факторов в формировании алкогольной зависимости и экологии человека в различных этнических популяциях: новые подходы в терапии
Статья в журнале
Библиогр.: с. 118 (21 назв.)
экология; этнос; алкоголь; зависимость; фармакотерапия; эндокринные факторы; гормон; ecology; ethnos; alcohol; dependence; pharmacotherapy; endocrine factors; hormone
Медицина и здравоохранение / Общая гигиена
Якутский медицинский журнал. – 2019. – N 4 (68) (С. 113-118)
Using integrated clinical-dynamic and clinical-biological approaches, disorders caused by alcohol consumption in people of different ethnic origins were under study. It has been established that the course of alcohol addiction in the representatives of the Tuvan ethnic group acquires a highly progredient character, which testifies to the greater vulnerability of the representatives of the indigenous Tuvan ethnic group to the effects of alcohol. The index of the ratio of cortisol/progesterone in the blood of Russian alcoholism patients under investigation is almost twice as high as the index in the blood of healthy donors under investigation, while that of Tuvinians is almost five times as high as the index of healthy individuals under investigation. The psychopharmacotherapy used in the study is pathogenetically directed and increases the effectiveness of treatment, prevents the development of relapse and progredient dynamics of alcohol dependence, which is particularly important for the ecology of the person in the Tuvan ethnic group and, possibly, other populations of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.
Роль нейроэндокринных факторов в формировании алкогольной зависимости и экологии человека в различных этнических популяциях: новые подходы в терапии / Т. В. Шушпанова, А. И. Мандель, Н. А. Бохан, И. О. Бадыргы, Т. П. Новожеева, Е. Д. Счастный, А. В. Солонский, Н. Ф. Грущенко, В. В. Удут, О. В. Шушпанова, Е. В. Маркова, Е. М. Князева // Якутский медицинский журнал. — 2019. — N 4 (68). — С. 113-118.
DOI: 10.25789/YMJ.2019.68.32
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