Cultural heritage of the indigenous Arctic peoples of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia): [it is an abstract of research article about cultural heritage of the indigenous people, necessity to preserve environment, material and spiritual culture of society for further develomment of the nation]
Petrov А. А. , Петров А. А., Чернышова С. Л., Chernyshova S. L.

Cultural heritage of the indigenous Arctic peoples of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia): [it is an abstract of research article about cultural heritage of the indigenous people, necessity to preserve environment, material and spiritual culture of society for further develomment of the nation]



10.1088/1755-1315/302/1/012035 : [научные статьи]

Рецензия на научную статью А. А. Петрова и С. Л. Чернышовой "Культурное наследие коренных народов Арктики Республики Саха (Якутия)"

Petrov, А.
А. . Cultural heritage of the indigenous Arctic peoples of the Sakha Republic.- [16+]. -

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