Create youself. Desktop book about self-improvement: literary and artistic publication

Create youself. Desktop book about self-improvement: literary and artistic publication

Книга или сборник статей


[б. м.]

[б. и.]


1 с.



harmony; effective methods ofself-knowledge; rules of psychology on conscious behavior; imaging techniques and their purpose; about the cult documentary "The Secret"; examples of popular meditations; self-healing - the hidden reserves of our body; the most popular breathing exercises; nine ways to behave like a well-mannered person


The book is devoted to self-improvement as a natural need ofeach person, aimed at personal growth and achieving life goals. This is not a scientific book but a collection ofessays by different authors, revealing the themes ofthe book's sections. The collection includes laws ofman's inner harmony, methods, and techniques of self-development, secrets of independent recovery and happy life, opinions and advice ofancient thinkers andmodern psychologists, wise thoughts that help change livesforthe better. The essays are literary miniatures (concise in length butsuccinct in content), as well as parables and other sayings, accompanied by aphorisms and quotationsfrom ancient and later thinkers whose writings have revealed to people the secrets oflife and helped them to perceive the world correctly. The book consists of ten sections. In the beginning, there is a small guide containing definitions ofthe main terms. The last (tenth) section briefly introduces the great thinkers the statements ofmany ofwhich are used in this book. The book is addressed to everyone interested in the secrets and mechanisms of transforming oneself into a physically healthy, educated, cultured, and successful person.

Danilov, N. N. Create youself. Desktop book about self-improvement : literary and artistic publication / Nikolay N. Danilov ; [translation into english Ariadna Danias]. - [б. м. : б. и.], 2022. - 1 файл (p. 147 ; 84,7 Мб).

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