Has the secret to eternal life been found? Russian scientist says he is stronger and healthier after injecting himself with 3.5 Million year old bacteria: [comments of the head of the Geocryology Department at Moscow State University Anatoli Brouchkov]
Prigg Mark , Пригг Марк

Has the secret to eternal life been found? Russian scientist says he is stronger and healthier after injecting himself with 3.5 Million year old bacteria: [comments of the head of the Geocryology Department at Moscow State University Anatoli Brouchkov]



Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]

О возможном эликсире "вечной жизни", добытом из вечной мерзлоты Якутии. С комментариями заведующего кафедрой геокриологии Московского государственного университета Анатолия Брушкова

Prigg, Mark .
Has the secret to eternal life been found? Russian scientist says he is stronger and healthier after injecting himself with 3.5 Million year old bacteria : [comments of the head of the Geocryology Department at Moscow State University Anatoli Brouchkov] / Mark Prigg ; photo Anatoli Brouchkov, Sergei Goltsov // Dailymail.co.uk : [новостной сайт]. - 2015. - 30 September. URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3255253/Has-secret-eternal-life-Russian-scientist-says-stronger-healthier-injecting-3-5-MILLION-year-old-bacteria.html.- [16+]. -

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