10th Youth Eco Forum started in Yakutsk: [the Forum was about ecological issues of northern cities, sustainable development of the Arctic]

10th Youth Eco Forum started in Yakutsk: [the Forum was about ecological issues of northern cities, sustainable development of the Arctic]



Аrcticyearbook.com : [портал об Арктике]

О десятом молодёжном экофоруме "Чистый город - чистая планета", Якутск

10th Youth Eco Forum started in Yakutsk : [the Forum was about ecological issues of northern cities, sustainable development of the Arctic] // Аrcticyearbook.com : [портал об Арктике]. - 2014. - 5 августа. Режим доступа: https://arcticportal.org/ap-library/news/1269-10th-youth-eco-forum-started-in-yakutsk (дата обращения: 27.02.2023). - [16+]. -

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